Setting the best config in logstash.yml for my Environment

Hi community.

Recently in my environment, I'm feeling that a input data that a pipeline is too slow. Before explain how is mine solution ELK. Following info’s about my machine:

OS: Linux version 4.1.12-124.25.1 Red Hat

cat /proc/cpuinfo |grep "cpu cores" | awk -F: '{ num+=$2 } END{ print "cpu cores", num }

“cpu cores 16.”

Actually, I have running four pipelines in pipeline.yml:

import_logs_workmon_multline.conf --> beats in 5044

import_logs_EAIFRM.conf --> beats in 9601

import_logs_iis.conf --> beats in 9600

The slower is import_logs_iis.conf, the others are inputting real-time:

input {
      beats {
        port => 9600
        type => "%{type}"
     filter {
    if [type] == "servcel" {
            csv {
              columns => ["CodDistribuidorSAP","Origem","Telefone","UF","CanalRecarga","Valor","NSUServCel","NSUOrigem","logdate1","logdate2","Operacao","logdate3","Intervalo","EstadoTransacao","CodResposta","QtsSondas","QtdPedInlusao","Integrador"]
            separator => ","
            date {
    	        timezone => "Etc/GMT+3"
                    match => ["logdate1","yyyyMMddHHmmss"]
                    target => "DataServCel"
            date {
                    timezone => "Etc/GMT+3"
                    match => ["logdate2","yyyyMMddHHmmss"]
                    target => "DataOrigem"
            date {
                    timezone => "Etc/GMT+3"
                    match => ["logdate3","yyyyMMddHHmmss"]
                    target => "DataOperacao"
      mutate {
        convert => { "CodDistribuidorSAP" => "integer" }
        convert => { "Telefone" => "integer" }
        convert => { "Operacao" => "integer" }
        convert => { "Intervalo" => "integer" }
        convert => { "EstadoTransacao" => "integer" }
        convert => { "QtsSondas" => "integer" }
        convert => { "QtdPedInlusao" => "integer" }
    mutate {
          add_field => { "status_recarga" => "%{EstadoTransacao}%{CodResposta}%{Operacao}"  }
          add_field => { "Valor_int" => "%{Valor}"  }
          remove_field => ["logdate1", "logdate2", "logdate3"]
    else {
    dissect {
        mapping => {
          message => "%{log_timestamp} %{+log_timestamp} %{S-SiteName} %{S-ComputerName} %{S-IP} %{CS-Method} %{CS-URI-Stem} %{CS-URI-Query} %{S-Port} %{CS-Username} %{C-IP} %{CS-Version} %{CS-UserAgent} %{CS-Cookie} %{CS-Referer} %{CS-Host} %{SC-Status} %{SC-SubStatus} %{SC-Win32-Status} %{SC-Bytes} %{CS-Bytes} %{TimeTaken}"
    if ([message] =~ "^#") {
      drop { }
    date {
    	              timezone => "UTC"
                    #timezone => "Etc/GMT+3"
                    match => [ "log_timestamp", "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" ]
                    target => "@timestamp"                   
      mutate {
        convert => { "TimeTaken" => "integer" }
    ############## CRIA CAMPO USER AGENTS ################
    useragent {
    	source => "message"
    	target => "ua"
    ###################### CONCATENA OS CAMPOS NOME DO NAVEGADOR E VERSÃO E CRIA UM CAMPO UNICO ####################
    mutate {
            split => ["ua", ","]
            add_field => {"Navegador" => "%{[ua][name]}-%{[ua][major]}"}
    ######################## PUBLICS GEO IP's #####################################
    if ([C-IP] !~ "^10\.") {
      geoip {
              source => "C-IP"
              database => "D:\ELK\logstash-7.1.1\geoip\GeoLite2-City.mmdb"
              target => "geoip"
    mutate {
          add_field => {"geoip.cordinates.iso3166" => "%{[geoip][country_code3]}-%{[geoip][region_code]}"}
    ######################## PRIVATE GEO IP's #####################################
    if ([C-IP] =~ "^10\.") {
            translate {
            regex => true
            override => true
            field => "[C-IP]"
            destination => "geoip.cordinates.iso3166"
            dictionary_path => "D:\ELK\logstash-7.1.1\dictionary\geoip.cordinates.iso3166.yml"
            translate {
            regex => true
            override => true
            field => "[C-IP]"
            destination => "[geoip][region_name]"
            dictionary_path => "D:\ELK\logstash-7.1.1\dictionary\"
            translate {
            regex => true
            override => true
            field => "[C-IP]"
            destination => "[geoip][region_code]"
            dictionary_path => "D:\ELK\logstash-7.1.1\dictionary\geoip.region.code.yml"
            translate {
            regex => true
            override => true
            field => "[C-IP]"
            destination => "[geoip][city_name]"
            dictionary_path => "D:\ELK\logstash-7.1.1\dictionary\"
    output {
       elasticsearch {
        hosts => ""
        index => "%{type}-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}"

Arrives a lot of data’s from IIS log's and a csv file.

For try solve the slow processing I changed logstash.yml for use 16 workers, But I haven't seen any improvements yet.


 pipeline.workers: 16
 pipeline.unsafe_shutdown: false ""

Can you have some tip to improve this situation?

Do you have monitoring enabled? If so, what is the amount of work done in each filter?

How much impact does commenting out the geoip affect the throughput?

Thanks again from your attention
After your replying, I read about the logstash monitoring that I didn’t know.
So, I found an API that helped me identify a bad performance in the filter plugin on the pipeline.



Filter plugin:

  useragent {
      source => "message"
      target => "ua"

Solution: In a meeting with staff and the person responsible for the added plugin, we got the conclusion that the filter plugin wasn't necessary. So, I commented this plugin in code. When restarted logstash, in minutes the data input was in real-time.

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