Settings: Default pipeline workers: 2

My sample data is like follow

D41E16F4-BAEB-E411-80C6-0050569F2C47,2015-04-26 06:51:33.763,320000050291,0210,06:51:32,2015-04-26,2015-04-26,C0000255,M00000000000093,000159,1000,1,505416******2848,AaocywiSZBzCuhkEE4sfeA==,505416,000000,14,NULL,581672132,0001
7DEC913D-BCEB-E411-80C6-0050569F2C47,2015-04-26 07:00:46.003,320000050292,0210,07:00:45,2015-04-26,2015-04-26,C0000388,M00000000000187,000057,25000,1,603799******9794,vpYphJ4axQW9conblV39nQ==,603799,000000,14,NULL,581672132,0001

and my filter is :

input {
file {
path => '/root/datasample/transaction.csv'
start_position => beginning



columns =>[
separator => ','
remove_field => ['message']
date {

		match => ['inserttime', 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS']
		match => ['timeLocal', 'HH:mm:ss']
		match => ['dateLocal', 'yyyy-MM-dd']
		match => ['datecaptured', 'yyyy-MM-dd']
mutate {

		convert =>{ 
		 "transactionspk" => "string" 
		 "retrivalrefno"   => "float"
		 "msgtype" => "float"
		 "terminalid" => "string"
		 "cardacqid" => "string"
		 "systemtraceNo" =>"float"
		 "amount" => "float"
		 "transtype" => "float"
		 "primaryaccNo" => "string"
		"primaryaccNoEnc" => "string"
		 "isscode" => "float"
		 "processingcode" => "float"
		 "poscondition" => "float"
		 "reciept" => "string"
		"acqcode" => "float"
		"settlementtype" => "float" }


output {
elasticsearch {

    hosts => 'localhost:9200'
    action => 'index'


Yes? Did you have a question?

Hi many thanks for reply I have problem to import my log to logstash and then elasticsearch.I attach log and my filter.i would be grateful if help me Best

Hi all
whats the meaning of "Default pipeline workers: 2" that is the result when is run logstash

whats the meaning of "Default pipeline workers: 2" that is the result when is run logstash

This means that Logstash will use two concurrently executing pipelines for processing the events. The number of pipeline workers can be configured but gets a reasonable default value based on the number of CPUs the system has.