Ship logs to logstash from local machine using filebeat

How to ship logs to logstash from local machine using filebeat on windows. Can I get to know a detailed procedure of how to do this task apart from the documentation. How do I verify the changes and ensure it's working.

I don't think anyone is going to bother writing up something just for you that's more detailed that the documentation.

Set up Logstash with a beats input according to the documentation and use a simple stdout { codec => rubydebug } output. Start Logstash from a terminal and it will dump all incoming events to the terminal. If nothing happens some systematic debugging is in order.

I am getting this error on windows after making changes in the config file and running the command

C:\elastic\filebeat-5.2.1-windows-x86_64>filebeat.exe -e -c filebeat.yml -d "pub

Exiting: error loading config file: yaml: line 22: mapping values are not allowe
d in this context

And what does filebeat.yml look like? Make sure you format it as preformatted text.

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