Is there some documentation about how to setup Trace - Log correlation for Sidekiq based background jobs. For the Rails API server we are using ECS Logger with following setup:
# config/environments/production.rb
# Prepend all log lines with the following tags.
config.log_tags = [:request_id, proc { ElasticAPM.log_ids }]
config.logger = EcsLogging::Logger.new($stdout)
I did take a look at ecs-logging-ruby/logger.rb at master · elastic/ecs-logging-ruby · GitHub and thought just setting the Sidekiq.logger
to the ECS logger should be enough, but that does not seem to work out.
# config/initializers/sidekiq.rb
Sidekiq.configure_server do |config|
# https://github.com/mperham/sidekiq/wiki/Reliability
log_level = ENV.fetch("LOG_LEVEL") { "debug" }
Sidekiq.logger = EcsLogging::Logger.new($stdout)
Sidekiq.logger.level = Logger.const_get(log_level.upcase)
Rails.logger = Sidekiq.logger
ChatbotService::Logging.logger = Sidekiq.logger
ActionCable.server.config.logger = Sidekiq.logger
ActiveRecord::Base.logger = Sidekiq.logger
Even though ElasticAPM is enabled, the logs from background jobs still do not contain transaction.id
, trace.id
and span.id
{"@timestamp":"2021-09-02T08:37:20.913Z","log.level":"INFO","message":"Syncing intent Setup_help with uid: xxx","ecs.version":"1.4.0"}
With the normal Sidekiq logger the logs contain way more useful information as well (jid, tid, pid, which worker class is used):
2021-09-02T08:54:20.289Z pid=1 tid=3tmh class=IntentFetchWorker jid=dc7d9e39caec48590fe19c23 INFO: start
2021-09-02T08:54:20.299Z pid=1 tid=3tmh class=IntentFetchWorker jid=dc7d9e39caec48590fe19c23 INFO: Syncing intent Setup_help with uid: xxx
2021-09-02T08:54:20.977Z pid=1 tid=3tmh class=IntentFetchWorker jid=dc7d9e39caec48590fe19c23 elapsed=0.688 INFO: done
If its a desired feature to use ECS formatting for background jobs I could try to invest some time to implement a sidekiq specific formatter/logger, similar to Sidekiq-Logging-JSON/json.rb at master · Springest/Sidekiq-Logging-JSON · GitHub which still adheres to ECS format (at least where possible), also I would need to understand why the current ECS logger does not append tracing related ids altough Elastic APM is enabled.