Single forward slash in field not accessable in conditional filter


I'm sending oracle auditing events with filebeat 5.0.0. The events itself are written to an xml-file by the oracle database.
Sometimes, one field (DB_User) contains a single /.
It'd like to filter this slash in a logstash config. Obviously, it is not possible or I don't know the correct way.

Here is a sample part of the config:

    if ([AuditRecord][DB_User]) {
        mutate { add_tag => ["something"]}
        if ([AuditRecord][DB_User] == "/") {
            mutate { add_tag => [ "condition" ] }
        if [AuditRecord][DB_User] =~ /\// {
            mutate { add_tag => [ "regexp" ] }
        if [AuditRecord][DB_User] =~ "\/" {
            mutate { add_tag => [ "regexp_2"] }
        if [AuditRecord][DB_User] =~ /^\// {
            mutate { add_tag => [ "regexp_3"] }

This config only adds the tag "something". None of the other tags is added.

This is the part of the JSON in Kibana:

 "AuditRecord": {
     "DB_User": [

And when trying to filter with Kibana by pressing the +, it shows following (although there are definitely hits)

Thanks for your help!

[AuditRecord][DB_User] is an array and not a string. This should work:

if [AuditRecord][DB_User] == ["/"] { ... }

Thanks! this solved the issue.

I didn't expect the XML-Filter-Plugin to create an Array for every value.

It does, but that behavior can be disabled with an option.

Yes, I already did it.
Thank you!

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