SNMP input not working running Logstash as Service / detached

Hello there!

I try to use snmp input plugin. I tried it with on simple VM installation run as Service.
Without any luck. Logs shows that the pipeline starts. Debug messages show that the pipeline work, but the part, where it should poll the assets, simply ?skipped?.
I tried to use Docker as well. The difference is even more spectular.
If i run the same image attached, then everything is fine the servers are polled.
If i run the same image detached (-d), then no server polled. The last log message:
[2024-05-14T18:00:46,138][INFO ][logstash.agent ] Pipelines running {:count=>1, :running_pipelines=>[:main], :non_running_pipelines=>}

Logstash 7.17