Solr_http plugin to solr cloud

Hi this is my sample conf to send logs to solr in cluster mode on a production set up.I am able to send data to sample collections but am having troubles to send data to solr cloud in production mode.
pls suggest what url should be given in output section.
url of zookeeper or solr cloud.pls clarify.thanks

input {
stdin {
codec => multiline {
pattern => "^\s"
what => "previous"


filter {
grok {

match => {"message" => "[%{YEAR:LogYear}-%{MONTHNUM:LogMonth}-%{MONTHDAY:LogDay} %{TIME:LogTime}] %{WORD:debuglevel} %{GREEDYDATA:logMessage}"}


mutate {
add_field => { "mytimestamp" => "%{LogYear}-%{LogMonth}-%{LogDay} %{LogTime}"}


date {
match => ["mytimestamp", "ISO8601"]
target => "@timestamp"
timezone => "Asia/Kolkata"

stdout { codec => rubydebug }
solr_url => ""
idle_flush_time => 2

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