Some lines sent to Logstash are truncated


I'm parsing a lot of old logs files. All logs are in gz, so I have to uncompress then move it a folder watched by filebeat.

On about 30millions of entries, I have about 1300 failures in logstash logs. I'm logging the messages so I can see that Logstash received a partial line, the line is truncated randomly.

I doubled check to ensure that I don't have any special characters or so in my logs. So why Filebeat is sending partial lines?

Could you share the following?

  • Filebeat configs
  • Filebeat logs
  • Filebeat version
  • Logstash config
  • An example of a line that was "partial"

Yes no problem, but I would prefer to send it in MP if it's ok for you?

You mean the logs? That is ok for me. For the other files it should be possible to post them here (but remove passwords :wink: ).

Ops, sorry for the delay, I missed your reply.



      - paths:
          - /var/data/level3/beats/*.log
        document_type: level3_log
        exclude_lines: ['^#']
        close_inactive: 10s

  registry_file: /var/data/filebeat_registry

logging.level: info
logging.metrics.enabled: false
logging.to_files: false
logging.to_syslog: false

    hosts: ["logstash:5044"]


config.reload.automatic: true
config.reload.interval: 5
queue.type: persisted
path.queue: /usr/share/logstash/queue
path.logs: /usr/share/logstash/log
pipeline.workers: 8
pipeline.batch.size: 2500
pipeline.batch.delay: 5 ""
xpack.monitoring.enabled: true
xpack.monitoring.elasticsearch.url: http://elasticsearch:9200

The logstash filters and groks are quite heavy, I'm zipping it in MP right now with some logs samples.

Thanks for you help!



Thanks for the data. Could you provide an example message which was truncated? Also I was looking for the Filebeat logs. Do you see anything special in there?

Is the volume you read logs from a shared drive and somehow mounted or a local disk?

If you write the log output to file instead of LS, do you still see it happening?

BTW: Which filebeat, logstash, logstash-beats-input version are you running?

I'm now on 5.3 for all the stack except Filebeat that is still in 5.2.2.

I'm running filebeat on a unique node as a docker container but this issue was already existing when filebeat was running directly on the host).
The disk is not a ssd but a raid 5 sata.

Filebeat is streaming to 3 Logstash nodes (a container on the same node and 2 others remote).

I will try to make some test to write on disk directly today or tomorrow.

I send you the failure log in MP.

Quite often such behaviour can come from shared drives, but inside docker when on Linux should be ok.

Other ideas:

  • How do you remove the files after you index them?
  • Could it be that you some inode reuse issue? When do you remove old files?

I have script reading the registry. If the offset = file size, I delete it

I have close_inactive: 10s in the config, and my script is running every minute.



Could it be that your partial lines come actually from an other file because it reuses the inode? We had a similar case here: If that is the case, I recommend you to first move the files to an other place to clean up the registry and then remove the files later. This will prevent the inode reuse.

Hi, sorry for the late answer, I was waiting to be sure that the issue was resolved. Now I'm moving finished logs to a tmp dir instead of delete them, and I think that solved my problem.
Instead of inode, wouldn't possible to use file path? Or make it configurable for user like me that parse logs not in real time?

Glad that solve the problem.

About using path as identifier instead of inode: Agree. This should be an option to configure or even be a separate prospector type for example file where it is assumed that files are never renamed or data is never appended. Feel free to open a feature request for this on Github.

I will :wink: Thanks a lot!


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