Span_count - missing properties

Hi ,
Can someone give a clue what can cause this ?
Why "span_count": {}, is missing after searching over the internet I found this can't be a empty hash is this correct ?
We use : elastic.apm.netcoreall 1.6.1
I see the following in the logs
error validating JSON: I[#] S[#] doesn't validate with
/allOf/3/properties/span_count/required] missing properties

Transaction look like this :

  "transaction": {
    "duration": 133.393,
    "id": "4ee04e5c2b4fea4d",
    "name": "POST Session/Leave",
    "parent_id": "b9b34ade7e7dc372",
    "result": "HTTP 2xx",
    "span_count": {},
    "timestamp": 1601467673415001,
    "trace_id": "ba10ec39ac88ad4b92360f9b84e4d490",
    "type": "request"

Best Regards

Hi @snedelchev,

after searching over the internet I found this can't be a empty hash is this correct ?

Correct, that should not be null - when the agent creates the transaction that field gets initialized here.

Do you have more info about this? E.g. I see it has a parent... what about that transaction? Does that have the same issue? How often do you have this problem? (Like, always with the same endpoint, or randomly across all your endpoints?)

Agent logs on trace level could be also useful to troubleshoot.

Sorry that I can't offer a solution out of the box - based on what I see here that's all I can say, but I'm happy to follow up.

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