Special Character as URL Params


I try tu use the following URL in a Http_poller Input Plugin.
url => "|password&"

But the special character " | " (between userid and password as params value) makes logstash to stop.

Any idea how to declare this URL in a way that Logstash takes it ?



Grok Debugger is your friend. [ https://grokdebug.herokuapp.com/ ]

Using what you posted, I created this:

url => "%{URIPROTO:protocol}://%{IP:ip_address}%{URIPATH:url_path}%{URIPARAM:url_param}

Me personally, I like to split things out to as many fields as possible, especially the important ones like a username.

url => "%{URIPROTO:protocol}://%{IP:ip_address}%{URIPATH:url_path}.*mode=%{DATA:url_mode}&params=%{DATA:user_id}|%{GREEDYDATA:url_params}&


Forgot the output.

"protocol": [
"ip_address": [
"IPV6": [
"IPV4": [
"url_path": [
"url_mode": [
"user_id": [
"url_params": [

Hello Kopacko,

Thanks for your reply but my problem is about the URL setting of the Http_Poller Input Plugin, not the Grog Filter Plugin.

When I give to the URL Setting a different URL it works well. As soon as I have this character " |", my logstash instance stops.


Wow, haha, my bad.

I was thinking you are parsing an incoming log. Sorry about that.

Are there any clues in Logstash's log? Have you tried URL encoding the pipe (i.e. %7C)?

With the vertical Bar in the Url, logstash stops with Error message : "Invalid URL".
I've tried "...userid%7Cpassword" then the URL is issued but "%7C" is included as-is in the Request. Seen with a sniffer... %7C is not decoded.
I've also URL encoded the entire URL then it became a invalid URL again.
Other idea ? :slight_smile:

No OK I got it. The %7C is meant to be decoded by the server and indeed it does the job.
Thank you very much. Sorry for the Hysteresis in my understanding :blush:

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