SPF Setup Does Not Check

I installed a Discourse application, it was sending emails normally, but after a 7 emails sent it stopped working, sidekiq error:

Jobs::HandledExceptionWrapper: Wrapped Net::SMTPServerBusy: 421 d9606061-d948-474e-a3bf-1157409dd6cc Error: 421 Error: Daily limit exceeded. Please fill out your profile to have this daily limit remov...

After searching I realized that I need to check my domain on the right elastic?

But I add the SPF TXT entries all in google cloud, but it does not check my domain!

I need to fix this urgently!

I don't believe it's related to elastic OSS but to discourse. You should contact discourse team on their website I think.

I don't see any relationship with elastic.co projects which are supported by this forum.

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problem solved, it was the elastic that limited my account to 5 daily submissions.

If you are talking about https://elasticemail.com that has nothing to do with us. We are https://www.elastic.co/

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