Split field and reverse join

I am trying to parse appache accesslogs with logstash for a project.

To let elasticsearch search efficiënt I want to reverse the domainname. So for example:

www.example.com Becomes com.example.www

I tried to split the domainname and reverse that using the logstash mutate plugin. When parsed as is I get a field

domainname : "www.example.com"

Using settings below I get the following results:


    split => {"domainname" => "."}
    add_field => {"reversed_domainname" => ["%{[domainname][-1]}","%{[domainname][-2]}"]}
    join => {"reversed_domainname" => "."}


domainname = [ "www", "example", "com" ]

reversed_domainname =[ "com", "example" ]

Everything works as intended untill the join function as seen in the results i dont get com.example

If I remove reversed from the join (split the domainname on "." and join them with "." I get the same results.

www.example.com becomes www.example.com

How can I join the fields in reversed order as it clearly should work.

To let elasticsearch search efficiënt I want to reverse the domainname.

You should probably use the pathname analyzer on the ES side instead.

Contrary to popular belief, the options in a mutate filter are not executed in the order specificed; the order is rather fixed:

Any add_field option executes that the end like for other filters. If you have mutations that depend on each other you need to use multiple mutate filters.

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