Split row data to fields

Hi ,

When I load Json file to ElasticSearch , I sea the data in 1 column (message ).
For example:
{"Group": "abi", "ExTime": "", "LastSuccess": "", "PadDG%": "", "TestName": "PT_FOTA/abi/SUPPORT/test132", "WI": "", "TWrtRatio": "", "B-Error": "", "IMG-FS.DG%": "", "BupgRet": "0", "Policy": "", "Ratio": "", "B-DeltaSize": "0.161", "WrtRatio": "", "B-Fail-On": "", "Status": "Missing", "WrittenGap": "", "PadDelta": "", "Hash": "Miss", "Description": "", "Tags": "abi sr fsimg", "TargetImg": "", "lookUpStr": "", "TotalTime": "", "GenTime": "", "Base HTML": "http://qasrvlinux/Results/9.4/", "FileDG%": "", "HTML": "http://qasrvlinux", "DeltaSize": "", "SourceImg": "", "B-ExTIme": "1", "B-TWritten": "", "B-GenTime": "5", "VersionParam": "", "RamGap%": "", "DG%": "", "TWrittenGap": "", "FileDelta": "", "SrcSize": "", "B-MinRam": "3.915", "TrgSize": "", "B-FileDelta": "", "B-LastSuccess": "PCUA 64b SimulateReset", "RamSize": "", "upgRet": "", "Range": "7", "IsOct": "No", "DeltaGap": "", "Error": "", "B-ErrType": "", "MinRam": "", "ExGap": "", "TWritten": "", "RamGap": "", "Fail-On": "", "NumBck": "", "Agent": "", "Bstatus": "Pass", "ramRatio": "", "ReqID": "", "SecSize": "", "GenGap": "", "ErrType": "", "B-Ratio": "", "B-PadDelta": "", "Subject": " abi"}

I upload the data to ElasticSearch with logstash , this is the conf file:
input {
path => ["/root/scripts/logs/update/tmp1.json"]
type => "json"
start_position => "beginning"
sincedb_path => "/dev/null"
grok {
match => [ 'message', '(?"TestName":.*"Agent":"[^"]+")' ]
add_field => [ "json_body", "{%{body}}" ]
json {
source => "json_body"
remove_field => ["message","body","json_body"]
mutate {
add_field => ["[geoip][location]","%{[SrcSize]}"]
add_field => ["[geoip][location]","%{[TrgSize]}"]
add_field => ["[geoip][location]","%{[B-DeltaSize]}"]
add_field => ["[geoip][location]","%{[DeltaSize]}"]
add_field => ["[geoip][location]","%{[B-Ratio]}"]
add_field => ["[geoip][location]","%{[Ratio]}"]
add_field => ["[geoip][location]","%{[B-MinRam]}"]
add_field => ["[geoip][location]","%{[MinRam]}"]
add_field => ["[geoip][location]","%{[ramRatio]}"]
add_field => ["[geoip][location]","%{[RamGap]}"]
add_field => ["[geoip][location]","%{[RamGap%]}"]
mutate {
convert => [ "[geoip][location]", "float"]

output {
stdout {
codec => rubydebug
elasticsearch {
host => "10.XX.XX.XXX"
protocol => "http"
index => "index_update"

If I want each one of the row will be in a separated column , how can I do it ?


add_field => [ "json_body", "{%{body}}" ]

Where is the body field created, and why are there curly braces at the beginning and end of this string?

What do you get to stdout when you run this?

Hi ,

I'm running logstash like this:
./bin/logstash agent -f logstash.conf
At the files there are almost 10,000 rows the same as the 1 I attached.
The result is the same if I put "[" character at the start , "]" at the end and "," between each one of the lines.
The first line at the json file is:
{"Group": "Group", "ExTime": "ExTime", "LastSuccess": "LastSuccess", "PadDG%": "PadDG%", "TestName": "TestName", "WI": "WI", "TWrtRatio": "TWrtRatio", "B-Error": "B-Error", "IMG-FS.DG%": "IMG-FS.DG%", "BupgRet": "BupgRet", "Policy": "Policy", "Ratio": "Ratio", "B-DeltaSize": "B-DeltaSize", "WrtRatio": "WrtRatio", "B-Fail-On": "B-Fail-On", "Status": "Status", "WrittenGap": "WrittenGap", "PadDelta": "PadDelta", "Hash": "Hash", "Description": "Description", "Tags": "Tags", "TargetImg": "TargetImg", "lookUpStr": "lookUpStr", "TotalTime": "TotalTime", "GenTime": "GenTime", "Base HTML": "Base HTML", "FileDG%": "FileDG%", "HTML": "HTML", "DeltaSize": "DeltaSize", "SourceImg": "SourceImg", "B-ExTIme": "B-ExTIme", "B-TWritten": "B-TWritten", "B-GenTime": "B-GenTime", "VersionParam": "VersionParam", "RamGap%": "RamGap%", "DG%": "DG%", "TWrittenGap": "TWrittenGap", "FileDelta": "FileDelta", "SrcSize": "SrcSize", "B-MinRam": "B-MinRam", "TrgSize": "TrgSize", "B-FileDelta": "B-FileDelta", "B-LastSuccess": "B-LastSuccess", "RamSize": "RamSize", "upgRet": "upgRet", "Range": "Range", "IsOct": "IsOct", "DeltaGap": "DeltaGap", "Error": "Error", "B-ErrType": "B-ErrType", "MinRam": "MinRam", "ExGap": "ExGap", "TWritten": "TWritten", "RamGap": "RamGap", "Fail-On": "Fail-On", "NumBck": "NumBck", "Agent": "Agent", "Bstatus": "Bstatus", "ramRatio": "ramRatio", "ReqID": "ReqID", "SecSize": "SecSize", "GenGap": "GenGap", "ErrType": "ErrType", "B-Ratio": "B-Ratio", "B-PadDelta": "B-PadDelta", "Subject": "Subject"}

I build my conf file according the examples I saw in the web.
how can I load my data according to the structure I need ?


You didn't answer my two questions. Unless you do that I can't help you.

This is a screenshot of the sdtout:

How can I know where the body field is created ?

Okay. As far as I can tell you have a bunch of unnecessary stuff in your configuration and judging by your most recent question you don't appear to know yourself what it's supposed to do. I reckon a simple json { source => "message" } filter should be enough to extract all the fields from the JSON string in the message field.

Thanks :slight_smile: