Split xml xpath

when parsing 4 xml files, sometimes the first and sometimes the last one has parse error. (cant split nillclass) . Am I doing something wrong?

input {
    beats {
        port => "5044"

filter {
    ## interpret the message as XML
    if [type] == "nessus-report" {
        xml {
            source => "message"
            store_xml => false

            xpath =>[
        split {
            field => "report_host"
        xml {
            source => "report_host"
            store_xml => false

            xpath =>[
        split {
            field => "report_item"
        xml {
            source => "report_item"
            store_xml => false

            xpath => [
		grok {
    			match => ["source","%{GREEDYDATA}/%{GREEDYDATA:history_id}\.xml"]

        mutate  {
			add_field => { "index_report_name" => "%{report_name}" }
                    remove_field => [ "message","report_host","report_item" ]
                    replace => { "report_host_start" => "%{report_host_start[0]}" }
                    replace => { "report_host_end" => "%{report_host_end[0]}" }
                    convert => { "report_item_severity" => "integer" }

		mutate {
			gsub => [
                #remove all whitespaces
                "index_report_name", " ", "-"

			lowercase => [ "index_report_name" ]
        date {
            match => [ "report_host_start", "EEE MMM  d HH:mm:ss yyyy",
            		  "EEE MMM dd HH:mm:ss yyyy" ]
            target => "report_host_start"
            locale => "en_US"
			timezone => "UTC"
        date {
            match => [ "report_host_end", "EEE MMM  d HH:mm:ss yyyy",
    				  "EEE MMM dd HH:mm:ss yyyy" ]
            target => "report_host_end"
            locale => "en_US"
			timezone => "UTC"

output {
    if [type]=="nessus-report" {
    	elasticsearch {
        	hosts => [""]
        	manage_template => false
        	index => "%{type}-%{index_report_name}-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}"

.example of parsing error

        "_index" : "nessus-report-%{report_name}-2017.05.02",
        "_type" : "nessus-report",
        "_id" : "AVvLcflLmDMb90aiL7fj",
        "_score" : 0.2876821,
        "_source" : {
          "report_host_end" : "%{report_host_end[0]}",
          "offset" : 259,
          "report_host_start" : "%{report_host_start[0]}",
          "input_type" : "log",
          "source" : "/opt/ctb-odin-nessus-scan/downloads/211.xml",
          "type" : "nessus-report",
          "history_id" : "211",
          "tags" : [
          "@timestamp" : "2017-05-02T23:14:50.080Z",
          "@version" : "1",
          "beat" : {
            "hostname" : "hyoga",
            "name" : "hyoga",
            "version" : "5.3.0"
          "host" : "hyoga",
          "index_report_name" : "%{report_name}"

It looks like you're trying to split a field that doesn't exist. Since you're deleting the message field where the XML data is stored it's hard to backtrack what's going on, but since there's no _xmlparsefailure tag it seems the XML at least is well-formed.

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