Splitted huge csv file to less ones - fastest way to indexing using logstash/pipeline or filebeat?

Hi there,
I just have a little question to manage following case:

I have mega huge csv files which I consider to split to less big files in same folder due to the fact
indexing big csv files may take 2 or 4 days of writing.

What I want to know is best practice:

Lets say:
1 big file = 4 days (no way)
Ok lets split into 10 under path => "C:/Folder/Elastic/7.5.0/*.csv"
All using the same config file (so all ended in same index)

What should I use to be fast and easy:
a: logstash pipeline.yml ?
b: filebeat ?
c: 10 time logstash instances ?

I'm familar with logstash and fielebeat and how to do set it up but I have no idea how to logstash pipeline may do this job as well or faster or even how to set up the logstash pipeline.yml!?

Welcome yr suggestions

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