Spring boot data Elastic Cloud integration

I found a solution-ish, at the least I progressed to the next error. I updated to the latest version for transport ( 6.7.2 - for this given time) : https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.elasticsearch.client/transport

Here is a link to a helpful post: Java transport client do not work after upgrade to 6.5.3

-- Previous Comments --

I have come across this same issue this morning. Where you able to find a solution?

I'm wandering if Spring Data is automatically configuring the NamedWriteable bean. I tried the following with no success:

@SpringBootApplication(exclude = {ElasticsearchAutoConfiguration.class, ElasticsearchDataAutoConfiguration.class})

      - org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.data.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchAutoConfiguration
      - org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.data.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchDataAutoConfiguration