Sql_last_start error

I get the following error when attempting to use a column value or when using the default timestamp:

Java::ComMicrosoftSqlserverJdbc::SQLServerException: Incorrect syntax near ':'.: SELECT * from table where id > :sql_last_start {:level=>:error}
Exception when executing JDBC query {:exception=>#<Sequel::DatabaseError: Java::ComMicrosoftSqlserverJdbc::SQLServerException: Incorrect syntax near ':'.>, :level=>:warn}

config file:

input {
jdbc {
type => "cxusermetric"
jdbc_driver_library => "/app/logstash/sqljdbc_4.2/sqljdbc41.jar"
jdbc_driver_class => "com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver"
jdbc_connection_string => ""
jdbc_user => ""
jdbc_password => ""
statement => "SELECT * from table where id > :sql_last_start"
use_column_value => true
tracking_column => id

logstash 2.2.2
logstash-input-jdbc (3.0.0)

Doesn't SQL Server use ? as the placeholder for parameters? Also, for logstash-input-jdbc 3.0.0 the parameter is named sql_last_value, not sql_last_start.

I tried ? but got a similar error:

Java::ComMicrosoftSqlserverJdbc::SQLServerException: Incorrect syntax near '?'.: SELECT * from table where id > ?sql_last_value {:level=>:error}
Exception when executing JDBC query {:exception=>#<Sequel::DatabaseError: Java::ComMicrosoftSqlserverJdbc::SQLServerException: Incorrect syntax near '?'.>, :level=>:warn}

I meant SELECT * from table where id > ?. AFAICT that's the syntax for a parameterized query in SQL Server. Maybe named parameters are supported via some other mechanism. The the SQL Server documentation.

Sorry for the delayed response, but changing the parameter to sql_last_value (from sql_last_start) fixed the problem. The placeholder for sql server was correct.