Squid parsing stopped to parse all fields

Hello everybody.

**I have a Logstash job loading data from a kafka topic, running for many months without any issue. The only change done on the last 3 weeks was the upgrade to ELK 7.0. Still, after the upgrade the loading was working fine however, after a certain day, it stopped to parse most of the fields for no reason. **

Here's the .conf file:

input {
kafka {
bootstrap_servers => ":9094"
topics => ["proxy"]
codec => "json"

filter {
grok {
patterns_dir => ["./patterns"]
break_on_match => false
match => { "payload" => "%{SQUID_TIMESTAMP}" }
match => { "payload" => "%{TCP_STATUS}" }
match => { "payload" => "%{TARGET_WEBSITE}" }
match => { "payload" => "%{TARGET_WEBSITE_GET}" }
match => { "payload" => "%{TARGET_WEBSITE_GET2}" }
match => { "payload" => "%{SQUID_BYTES}" }
match => { "payload" => "%{SQUID_IP}" }
match => { "payload" => "%{SQUID_SOURCE_IP}" }

date {
match => [ "proxy_timestamp","UNIX" ]

mutate {
convert => { "bytes" => "integer" }

geoip {
source => "ip_address"

translate {
field => "source_ip"
destination => "source"
dictionary => {
"192.168.1.XXX" => "windows-hp"
"192.168.1.XXX" => "linux-1"
"192.168.1.XXX" => "linux-2"
"192.168.1.XXX" => "linux-3"
"192.168.1.XXX" => "laptop"
"192.168.1.XXX" => "windows-tablet"
"192.168.1.XXX" => "linux-master"


output {
stdout {
codec => rubydebug

elasticsearch {
hosts => [ "192.168.1.XXX:9200","192.168.1.XXX:9200","192.168.1.XXX:9200" ]
index => "proxy-%{+YYYY.MM}"

Here's the pattern file:

SQUID_TIMESTAMP ^(?<proxy_timestamp>\d*)
TARGET_WEBSITE_GET2 GET htt\w*://(?\w*.\w*)
TCP_STATUS TCP_(?<tcp_status>[^/])
SQUID_SOURCE_IP \d*.\d*\s*\d*\s(?<source_ip>\d*.\d*.\d*.\d*)
SQUID_IP HIER_DIRECT/(?<ip_address>\d*.\d*.\d*.\d*)

And below a sample of the output:

"source_ip" => "192.168.1.XXX",
"@version" => "1",
"@timestamp" => 2019-05-10T04:09:09.360Z,
"payload" => "1557461305.894 686929 192.168.1.XXX TCP_TUNNEL/200 194202 CONNECT www.elastic.co:443 - HIER_DIRECT/ -",
"schema" => {
"type" => "string",
"optional" => false
"tags" => [
[0] "_geoip_lookup_failure"
"source" => "windows-hp"

**Note that the parsing of "source_ip" worked, since it showed the value and properly mapped the device name, but all other regex in the pattern file did not work. There was absolutely no change o any configuration file so I have no idea what can be causing this issue. **

Appreciate any tip or feedback.


Just made it worked. I basically changed the grok filter to the following:

filter {
grok {
patterns_dir => ["./patterns"]
break_on_match => false
match => { "payload" => [
] }

It's cleaner and make more sense, although I still couldn't figure out why the previous one stopped to work - maybe due to version.

Anyway, I'm keeping this post in case somebody bumps on the same issue.

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