Strange error - Can only start a prospector when all related states are finished


I am getting this error messages every few minutes in /var/log/filebeat/filebeat

2017-12-10T19:08:52Z ERR Error creating prospector: Can only start a prospector when all related states are finished: {Id: Finished:false Fileinfo:0xc42045ca90 Source:/var/log/audit/audit.log Offset:6592549 Timestamp:2017-12-10 19:07:13.538039832 +0000 UTC TTL:-1ns Type:log FileStateOS:4469693-64769}

2017-12-10T19:12:12Z ERR Error creating prospector: Can only start a prospector when all related states are finished: {Id: Finished:false Fileinfo:0xc4202a1110 Source:/var/log/messages Offset:331457 Timestamp:2017-12-10 19:07:12.52187511 +0000 UTC TTL:-1ns Type:log FileStateOS:8726640-64769}

2017-12-10T19:12:12Z ERR Unable to create runner due to error: Can only start a prospector when all related states are finished: {Id: Finished:false Fileinfo:0xc4202a1110 Source:/var/log/messages Offset:331457 Timestamp:2017-12-10 19:07:12.52187511 +0000 UTC TTL:-1ns Type:log FileStateOS:8726640-64769}

How can I resolve it? The filebeat seems to work correctly, but I would like to get the error out.

filebeat version 6.0.1 (amd64), libbeat 6.0.1 on centos 7

Thank you,


It seems like a race ended badly between saving the state of /var/log/messages and other files and stopping Filebeat previously. Thus, the prospector of that log file cannot start.

Could you share the contents of your registry file?

I was not able to post the entire file because of the 7k limitation of the post characters


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