Syslog messages not displayed for kibana interface


I have setup an ELK and run winlogbeat and filebeat. Winlogbeat logs displayed in the kibana interface but the syslog from the devices not showing up. when i do a tcpdump port 5544(the port i have setup to listen for syslog messages, it shows the FQDN name of the device which send the syslogs.

my file in /etc/logstash/conf.d/01-beats-input.conf
syslog {
port => 5544
type => 'syslog'

but when i do as follows it gives and error messages but shows the logs in kibana
syslog {
port => 5544
type => 'syslog'
codec => json

please let me know what i am doing wrong here did i miss anything. hope to hear from you ASAP

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