Syslog output plugin message parameter ignored

the message parameter for the syslog output plugin is documented as used to set the syslog message (default "%{message}")

The parameter is defined here logstash-output-syslog/lib/logstash/outputs/syslog.rb at main · logstash-plugins/logstash-output-syslog · GitHub

but it is never used in the plugin instead the message is constructed form the payload logstash-output-syslog/lib/logstash/outputs/syslog.rb at main · logstash-plugins/logstash-output-syslog · GitHub

if I configure as follows

syslog {
    host       => ""
    port       => 514
    protocol   => "tcp"
    msgid      => "logstash"
    procid      => "%{[log][syslog][msgid]}"
    facility   => "%{[log][syslog][facility][name]}"
    priority   => "%{[log][syslog][priority][name]}"
    sourcehost => "%{[log][hostname]}"
    message    => "___ A ___"

the output message is simply constructed from the event message

Something like

message = event.sprintf(@message)
if  message.nil?
   message = payload.to_s.rstrip.gsub(/[\r][\n]/, "\n").gsub(/[\n]/, '\n')

and setting the default value of message to nil should do the job and somewhat preserve compatibility

Not so. It is referenced here. plain is the default codec in the base output.

With this output config the syslog message field is not set to ___A___ it is just set to the message field of the event.

output {
  syslog {
    host       => ""
    port       => 514
    protocol   => "tcp"
    rfc        => "rfc5424"        # Needed for msgid
    msgid      => "_logstash_"
    sourcehost => "%{[log][hostname]}"
    message    => "___ A ___"  # This does not work


config :format, :validate => :string

What does this do as default is it nil or ""

I can't quite follow mixin

somehow one of these conditions must be false

 if == "LogStash::Codecs::Plain"
      if @codec.config["format"].nil?
        @codec ={"format" => @message})

The message parameter of the syslog codec is being ignored

I think this issue covers this. The == does not work as expected. The issue includes a workaround.

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