This is my configuration file :
input {
file {
path => "/usr/share/logstash/testmultiline.log"
start_position => "beginning"
#type => "log"
sincedb_path => "/dev/null"
codec => multiline {
pattern => "^%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601}"
what => "previous"
stdout {codec => rubydebug }
The log file look like this :
2018-12-13T11:46:13.654+0000 Regulatory [INFO] Transaction : VALIDATE,FT18260HNC8R1bbcffrlnrt21x8awmxhtjfdz,FT18260HNC8R,100002506,13/12/2018,13/12/2018T11:46:13.243+0000,null,Payment Order,Date not a working day
2018-12-13T11:41:44.846+0000 Regulatory [INFO] Transaction : VALIDATE,qf16ft787bif1xs1iuoqihwi9,null,100002506,13/12/2018,13/12/2018T11:41:42.447+0000,null,Payment Order,Date not a working day
2018-12-13T12:07:41.644+0000 Regulatory [INFO] Transaction : VALIDATE,007069643021retfed8ar2w4ugvgz1n9xsuz,0070696430.2,100002506,13/12/2018,13/12/2018T12:07:39.905+0000,null,Payment Order,None
2018-12-13T13:13:22.449+0000 Regulatory [INFO] Transaction : VALIDATE,0004961017bb48fydx3gvq1dopa7tujzoya,0004961017,100002506,13/12/2018,13/12/2018T13:13:21.700+0000,null,Payment Order,Invalid end date
My goal is to specify that any line which begin with a timestamp have to belong to the previous line. The codec rubydebug doesn't show me anything, I don't know if the multiline works or not. How can I print my event? Is my event null that's why the codec doesn't show anything?
Thank you.