Text file without line split


Which filter should I use for below sample log to get data in 4 column like Date,Port,Status,Message. I am facing problem to split first then separate.

2016-07-13 11:00:00,000 [http-bio-80-exec-3846] INFO com.framework.hibernate.helper.PersistenceManagerFilter - Time at entering 14683878000002016-07-13 11:00:00,000 [http-bio-80-exec-3846] INFO com.framework.security.UrlConverter - URLCONVERTER : doFilter() STARTED .
2016-07-13 11:00:00,000 [http-bio-80-exec-3846] INFO com.framework.security.UrlConverter - URLCONVERTER2016-07-13 11:00:00,000 [http-bio-80-exec-3846] INFO com.framework.security.UrlConverter - URLCONVERTER : 'POST' BIOLOGIN REQUEST RECIVED

Many thanks,

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