The given configuration is invalid. Reason: undefined method `-' for nil:NilClass


I am receiving the below error and am not sure what is causing it. I am just trying to convert eastings and northings to co-ordinates to make the data useful in kibana. Anyone know what could be causing it?

[2019-07-09T10:10:56,026][FATAL][logstash.runner ] The given configuration is invalid. Reason: undefined method `-' for nil:NilClass
[2019-07-09T10:10:56,037][ERROR][org.logstash.Logstash ] java.lang.IllegalStateException: Logstash stopped processing because of an error: (SystemExit) exit

In ruby file:

def filter(event)

	#metres in, degrees out
	east = event.get("easting")
	north = event.get("northing")
	if east == nil
		event.set("location", "nil, nil") #latitude & longitude respectively
		return [event]
		k = 0.9996012717 #grid scale factor on central meridean
		origin_lat = 49.0
		origin_long = -2.0    
		origin_x = 400000 # 400 kM
		origin_y = -100000 # 100 kM
		a = 6377563.396 # Airy Spheroid
		b = 6356256.910

		# compute interim values
		a = a * k
		b = b * k
		n1 = (a - b)/(a + b)
		n2 = n1 * n1
		n3 = n2 * n1   
		lat = origin_lat * Math::PI / 180.0 # to radians                                                    
		e2 = (a * a - b * b)/(a * a)  # first eccentricity
		#ex = (a * a - b * b)/(b * b)  # second eccentricity

		origin_northings = b * lat + b * (n1 * (1.0 + 5.0 * n1*(1.0+n1)/4.0)*lat - 3.0*n1*(1.0+n1*(1.0+7.0*n1/8.0))*Math.sin(lat)*Math.cos(lat) + (15.0*n1*(n1+n2)/8.0)*Math.sin(2.0*lat)*Math.cos(2.0*lat) - (35.0*n3/24.0)*Math.sin(3.0*lat)*Math.cos(3.0*lat) )

		northing = north - origin_y 
		easting = east - origin_x

		# Evaluate M term: latitude of the northing on the centre meridian

		northing += origin_northings  
		phid = northing / (b*(1.0 + n1 + 5.0*(n2+n3)/4.0)) - 1.0
		phid2 = phid + 1.0                                

		while (phid2 - phid).abs > 1E-6
			phid = phid2
			nphid = b*phid + b*(n1*(1.0 + 5.0*n1*(1.0+n1)/4.0)*phid - 3.0*n1*(1.0+n1*(1.0+7.0*n1/8.0))*Math.sin(phid)*Math.cos(phid) + (15.0*n1*(n1+n2)/8.0)*Math.sin(2.0*phid)*Math.cos(2.0*phid) - (35.0*n3/24.0)*Math.sin(3.0*phid)*Math.cos(3.0*phid) )
			dnphid = b*((1.0+n1+5.0*(n2+n3)/4.0) - 3.0*(n1+n2+7.0*n3/8.0)*Math.cos(2.0*phid) + (15.0*(n2+n3)/4.0)*Math.cos(4*phid) - (35.0*n3/8.0)*Math.cos(6.0*phid))
			phid2 = phid - (nphid - northing)/dnphid

		c  = Math.cos(phid)
		s  = Math.sin(phid)
		t  = Math.tan(phid)
		t2 = t*t
		q2 = easting*easting

		nu2 = (a*a)/(1.0 - e2*s*s)
		nu = Math.sqrt(nu2)

		nudivrho = a*a*c*c/(b*b) - c*c + 1.0

		eta2 = nudivrho - 1

		rho = nu / nudivrho

		invnurho = ((1.0 - e2*s*s)*(1.0 - e2*s*s))/(a*a*(1.0 - e2))

		lat = phid - t*q2*invnurho/2.0 + (q2*q2*(t/(24*rho*nu2*nu)*(5 + (3*t2) + eta2 - (9*t2*eta2))))

		lon = (easting/(c*nu)) - (easting*q2*((nudivrho+2.0*t2)/(6.0*nu2))/(c*nu)) + (q2*q2*easting*(5 + (28*t2) + (24*t2*t2))/(120*nu2*nu2*nu*c))
		latitude = lat * 180.0 / Math::PI
		longitude = (lon * 180.0 / Math::PI) + origin_long
		#location = "#{latitude}, #{longitude}"
		event.set("location", "#{latitude}, #{longitude}") #latitude & longitude respectively
		return [event]


test "north east" do

  in_event { [{"easting" => 614502} ,  {"northing" => 246928}] }

  expect("returns location") do |events|
	events.get("location") == "52.07867241905442, 1.1307201995107992"

In config file:

input {
# sql query 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9 gets the response times by product id, domain id, cp id,
  jdbc {
  jdbc_driver_library => ""
  jdbc_connection_string => ""
  jdbc_driver_class => ""
  jdbc_user => ""
	jdbc_password => ""
  last_run_metadata_path => ""
  statement => "SELECT v_product_id, v_domain_id, v_comm_provider_id, i_status, v_api_name,
	v_managed_server,d_updated_date, nvl(i_time_taken,0) resp_time, v_reservation_ref, cp_name, v_description, 
	v_error_desc, CONCAT(CONCAT(i_status, ': '),v_error_desc) code_and_desc, northing, easting
	FROM OR_FieldReserve.tb_fr_track_performance a
	LEFT OUTER JOIN OR_FieldReserve.TB_CP_DETAILS b ON a.v_comm_provider_id = b.cp_id
	LEFT OUTER JOIN OR_FieldReserve.TB_AREA c ON a.v_domain_id = c.v_area_id
	LEFT OUTER JOIN OR_FieldReserve.TB_FR_ERROR_CODES_ASG d ON a.i_status = d.i_error_code
	LEFT OUTER JOIN OR_FieldReserve.Pwa_exchange_map e ON a.v_exchange_id = e.v_arms_gc
	WHERE d_updated_date > :sql_last_value"
  #use_column_value => true
  #tracking_column => "d_updated_date"
  schedule => "*/2 * * * *"

		path => "/software/bea/elk/logstash-7.1.1/config/NEtoLL.rb"		

output {
	stdout { codec => rubydebug }
  elasticsearch {
    hosts => [""]
    index => ""
    user => ""
    password => ""

All solved, there was an issue with the test (still unresolved), but the filter wasn't working as the eastings and northings were set as strings.

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