There are some error coming from third party

There are some error coming from third party like Script error., promise rejection not handle, how can i avoid and don't capture these kind of error

import { isServer } from '@utils/appAgent'

function checkApmError(err: any) {
    return err && err.message && err.message.indexOf('Script error') !== -1 ? true : false

export default function logError(e: any) {
    const errorObject = {
        result: 'error',
        errorStack: e.stack,
        rootURL: window.location.href,
        errorMessage: e.message

    setTimeout(() => {
        // eslint-disable-next-line
        if (e.message && e.message !== 'Network Error' && !(e.message.indexOf('failed with status') > -1)) {
            if (typeof newrelic == 'object') {
                newrelic.addPageAction('pwa-error-ssr', {
                    result: 'error',
                    errorStack: e.stack,
                    rootURL: window.location.href,
                    errorMessage: e.message

            if (!isServer() && window?.apm && checkApmError(e) ) {
                window?.apm.captureError(new Error(JSON.stringify(errorObject)));

I am using Nextjs, "@elastic/apm-rum": "^5.16.0",, macos

Hi @Maheta_Hemendra_Bhav,

You can implement a filter on the RUM agent to exclude particular payloads by returning false if it matches a criteria you want to exclude:

Hope that helps!