OK I have been googling this and I can't figure it out at all. Every other person who is having this issue is dealing with large documents. The log messages I am indexing are pretty small and I'm still getting this error. I have tried everything I can think of but I can't fix this. Any help?
This is the exact message I'm getting:
Timeout executing grok '%{DATA:id} %{DATA:bucket} [%{S3WEBSITE_DATETIME:datetime}] %{IP:sourceIP} %{DATA:requester} %{DATA:requestID} %{DATA:operation} %{DATA:key} "%{DATA:requestURI}" %{DATA:status} %{DATA:error} %{INT:bytesSent} %{INT:objectSize} %{INT:totalTime} %{INT:turnAroundTime} "%{DATA:referrer}" "%{DATA:userAgent}" %{DATA:versionID}' against field 'message' with value 'Value too large to output (347 bytes)! First 255 chars are: 05b4cf0437aaff5ef42be6981904b7eb4f1e0d62074f2eacd31da3f1431fac87 websiteurl.com [15/Aug/2017:14:37:16 +0000] - 6FD33A5306435C5F WEBSITE.GET.OBJECT index.html "GET / HTTP/1.1" 304 - - 875 23 - "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac'!