Timestamp not match


I have a problem with my date filter. I have 2 hours of shift.

Here is my filter

date {
    match => [ "log_date", "MMM dd HH:mm:ss.SSS", "MMM  d HH:mm:ss.SSS", "ISO8601" ]
    timezone => "Europe/Paris"
    target => "@timestamp" 

and the output

   "log_date" => "oct 11 11:30:50.452",
   "@timestamp" => 2019-10-11T09:30:50.452Z,

I can not understand why I have this shift ... in fact yes, it is bind to the summer time but I can not find the parameter in order to set

Could you help me?


logstash and elasticsearch always store times in UTC. Kibana will convert these to the browser's timezone. This is working as designed.

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