Tranformate my date to timestamp field

Hy I have this json date.

{"type":"audit_entry","created":"5/20/2021, 11:12:42 PM","colaborador_id":"cf7dc62b-dde9-4980-89d8-96eb5707876e","request_method":"PUT","ajax":false,"route":"/stock/artigos/8c443bfe-d077-46d2-805b-948c15534f2c","protocol":"https"}

I want to transform the date in "create" to a timestamp field. How I can do that?

this is the way I'm transforming my data:

input {

  beats {

    port => 5066



filter {

  if [agent][type] == "metricbeat" {

    drop { }


  json {

    source => "message"



output {

  elasticsearch {

    hosts => "https://elasticsearch:9200"

    index => "prod"

    user => "elastic"

    password => "aCFly1CMvLJJ6gVHyOo4"

    cacert => "/usr/share/logstash/logstash.crt.pem"

    ssl_certificate_verification => false



and this is the Json data:

  "_index": "prod",
  "_type": "_doc",
  "_id": "BLlVIHoBovWO2skT13Bf",
  "_score": 1,
  "_source": {
    "agent": {
      "name": "ee0ccbef92f1",
      "ephemeral_id": "29f3e0e3-13be-40ac-abd9-35b688a5a177",
      "version": "7.11.0",
      "id": "5967388f-6559-4b97-87c7-79bb3b1a2179",
      "hostname": "ee0ccbef92f1",
      "type": "filebeat"
    "created": "6/18/2021, 6:11:12 PM",
    "ecs": {
      "version": "1.6.0"
    "type": "audit_entry",
    "request_method": "PUT",
    "message": "{\"type\":\"audit_entry\",\"created\":\"6/18/2021, 6:11:12 PM\",\"colaborador_id\":\"9b3b665d-5c95-4a4b-9ace-a140b1ea9259\",\"request_method\":\"PUT\",\"ajax\":false,\"route\":\"/vendas/venda/2f2d7564-01fe-4ca7-b116-0b52839fbfc4\",\"protocol\":\"https\"}",
    "colaborador_id": "9b3b665d-5c95-4a4b-9ace-a140b1ea9259",
    "ajax": false,
    "host": {
      "name": "ee0ccbef92f1"
    "protocol": "https",
    "@timestamp": "2021-06-18T18:11:12.923Z",
    "log": {
      "offset": 2460829,
      "file": {
        "path": "/usr/share/prod/action.log"
    "tags": [
    "route": "/vendas/venda/2f2d7564-01fe-4ca7-b116-0b52839fbfc4",
    "@version": "1",
    "input": {
      "type": "log"
  "fields": {
    "@timestamp": [

I'm collecting the logs in a file src and the timestamp in the json data is when the data was collected

Use a date filter.

Here's a example of the Date Filter:

  date {
    match => ["created", "MM/dd/YYYY, hh:mm:ss a" ]
    timezone =>"UTC"
    target => ["@timestamp"]


          "@version" => "1",
              "type" => "audit_entry",
              "ajax" => false,
        "@timestamp" => 2021-05-20T23:12:42.000Z,
          "sequence" => 0,
           "created" => "5/20/2021, 11:12:42 PM",
              "host" => "3af2031542b8",
             "route" => "/stock/artigos/8c443bfe-d077-46d2-805b-948c15534f2c",
          "protocol" => "https",
    "request_method" => "PUT",
    "colaborador_id" => "cf7dc62b-dde9-4980-89d8-96eb5707876e",
           "message" => "{\"type\":\"audit_entry\",\"created\":\"5/20/2021, 11:12:42 PM\",\"colaborador_id\":\"cf7dc62b-dde9-4980-89d8-96eb5707876e\",\"request_method\":\"PUT\",\"ajax\":false,\"route\":\"/stock/artigos/8c443bfe-d077-46d2-805b-948c15534f2c\",\"protocol\":\"https\"}"

Hope this helps.

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