Trouble integrating new beat, based on metricbeat, with Kibana

I am having trouble finding documentation on the process of getting the metrics reported by my new beat into Kibana. The beat was created based on metric beat as described here.

The process created a starting module and metricset. I chose to create a beat based on metricbeat because the solution I need must collect metrics from a variety of system components, each having a different set of metrics depending on the audience (developer, ops, cluster monitoring, etc.)

I have it all working and reporting metrics to Elasticsearch. The next step is integrating and pulling in these metrics into Kibana. The documentation says that a make update will build a kibana index for the fields defined in fields.yml. I cannot get that process to work. I keep getting the following error:

/home/rowlke01/go/src/ ./vendor/ --beat mybeat --docs_branch=
cp: cannot stat 'module/*/_meta/kibana/*': No such file or directory
vendor/ recipe for target 'kibana' failed
make: [kibana] Error 1 (ignored)

Perhaps the process for generating this information is different because it's based on metricbeat? is there additional information needed in the fields.yml file to control this process?


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