Trouble with Json filtering


Im having some issues with trying to get some json into ES.

Im using filebeat to pass the json data over tcp to logstash ... this is a sample of the JSON, the JSON format is correct its just not feeding in the data, i can see what its doing in with the output, but what i see in the debug output isnt what going into ES.

{"classification.taxonomy": "abusive content", "raw": "MS4zMi4xMjguMC8xOCA7IFNCTDI4NjI3NQ==", "feed.accuracy": 100.0, "classification.type": "spam", "feed.provider": "Spamhaus", "feed.url": "", "": "Spamhaus Drop", "time.source": "2017-12-29T19:49:07+00:00", "time.observation": "2018-01-10T04:05:38+00:00", "extra": "{"blocklist": "SBL286275"}", "": ""}
{"classification.taxonomy": "abusive content", "raw": "NS44LjM3LjAvMjQgOyBTQkwyODQwNzg=", "feed.accuracy": 100.0, "classification.type": "spam", "feed.provider": "Spamhaus", "feed.url": "", "": "Spamhaus Drop", "time.source": "2017-12-29T19:49:07+00:00", "time.observation": "2018-01-10T04:05:38+00:00", "extra": "{"blocklist": "SBL284078"}", "": ""}

input {
beats {
port => 9515
codec => json
type => data
filter {
if [type] == "data" {
output {
if [type] == "data" {
stdout { codec => rubydebug }
elasticsearch { hosts => [""]
index => "idata-%{+YYYY.MM}"

Debug output

"feed.url" => "",
"feed.provider" => "Spamhaus",
"offset" => 7238348,
"time.observation" => "2018-01-27T01:24:43+00:00",
"input_type" => "log",
"raw" => "MjIzLjE3My4wLjAvMTYgOyBTQkwyMDQ5NTQ=",
"" => "Spamhaus Drop",
"source" => "/opt/file-output/spamhous.txt",
"" => "",
"type" => "data",
"tags" => [
[0] "beats_input_codec_json_applied"
"@timestamp" => 2018-01-31T04:40:40.344Z,
"time.source" => "2018-01-25T14:32:35+00:00",
"classification.type" => "spam",
"extra" => "{"blocklist": "SBL204954"}",
"@version" => "1",
"beat" => {
"name" => "blar",
"hostname" => "blar",
"version" => "5.4.1"
"host" => "blar",
"classification.taxonomy" => "abusive content",
"feed.accuracy" => 100.0


name type format searchable aggregatable excluded controls
_id string
_index string
_score number
_source _source
_type string

So none of the fields have arrived, which means there is no TIME field either so i can only creat an index which have no time reliance.

In Cerebro the entire index is only 810b :frowning: the file which its importing is over 100megs

any help would be appreciated.


"_shards": {
"total": 5,
"successful": 5,
"failed": 0
"_all": {
"primaries": {
"docs": {
"count": 0,
"deleted": 0
"store": {
"size": "810b",
"size_in_bytes": 810,
"throttle_time": "0s",
"throttle_time_in_millis": 0

You try removing if condition in output, you will see arriving input to ES/kibana as below.
output {
elasticsearch {
hosts => ""
stdout { codec => rubydebug }

I have the If condition there so that i see only the output from that ingest, i have a number of other things being ingested . the output above is a sample of the rubydebug. I know this is working as when i delete the index it gets recreated, i can also feed other json samples in using that filter and these work fine, I have validated the Json for its structure and this too is fine, it just seems to be ignoring it :frowning:

but thanks for the suggesting Mnaveen_m

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