Trust two different certs on two nodes

I think I got it (at least I can use the same pfx from two nodes now without error). The key was in here:

First off, my cert did not have the full trust chain, so that was a problem. What resolved it for me was

Got a new sslCert for both Client and Server auth (Extended Key Usage)
I exported this to PEM as keyStore.pem:

openssl pkcs12 -in myCert.pfx -out keyStore.pem -nokeys -nodes

I edited the PEM file to remove out my cert and just keep the CAs.

Instead of specifying truststore, I added: [ "keyStore.pem" ]

When starting up and running _xpack/ssl/certificates, I see the CAs listed in both the PEM and pfx. Second node is able to join as well.