Trying to drop Metricbeat events in Logstash

This Metricbeat event is not indexable in ElasticSearch due to the
"18446744073709551615" value.

  "@timestamp" => 2017-10-24T14:48:53.950Z,
  "system" => {
    "process" => {
      "memory" => {
        "share" => 0,
        "rss" => {
          "pct" => 0.0,
          "bytes" => 0
        "size" => 0
      "pgid" => 0,
      "name" => "host-0000",
      "pid" => 8529,
      "state" => "sleeping",
      "cgroup" => {
        "blkio" => {
          "path" => "/private/data",
          "total" => {
            "ios" => 240124,
            "bytes" => 4509523968
          "id" => "privatedata"
        "cpu" => {
          "path" => "/private/data",
          "cfs" => {
            "shares" => 1024,
            "period" => {
              "us" => 100000
            "quota" => {
              "us" => 0
          "rt" => {
            "runtime" => {
              "us" => 0
            "period" => {
              "us" => 0
          "id" => "emulator",
          "stats" => {
            "periods" => 0,
            "throttled" => {
              "periods" => 0,
              "ns" => 0
        "memory" => {
          "path" => "/private/data",
          "mem" => {
            "limit" => {
              "bytes" => 18446744073709551615
            "failures" => 0,
            "usage" => {
              "max" => {
                "bytes" => 5487312896
              "bytes" => 4822638592
          "id" => "privatedata"
      "fd" => {
        "limit" => {
          "soft" => 1024,
          "hard" => 4096
        "open" => 0
      "username" => "root",
      "ppid" => 2
  "beat" => {
    "name" => "metrics",
    "hostname" => "myhost",
    "version" => "5.6.2"
  "@version" => "1",
  "host" => "myhost",
  "metricset" => {
    "name" => "process",
    "rtt" => 185656,
    "module" => "system"
  "type" => "metricsets",
  "tags" => [
    [0] "beats_input_raw_event"

I am trying to use a Logstash filter to drop the event. Using this guide to access the event data, I would have thought this would work:

filter {
  if [system][process][cgroup][memory][mem][limit][bytes] == "18446744073709551615" {
    drop {}

But it doesn't. Does anyone know what is wrong with my config?


I've figured out what was wrong. The value 18446744073709551615 is a number and because I had quoted it, it would only match a string. Removed the quotes and it works :grin:

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