Trying to use the Google_pubsub input plugin

I use the bitnami elk for gcp.
I didn't installed x-pack and just want to pull logs from google pub/sub to es:

 google_pub_sub {
  project_id => proj123
  project_id => "projects/proj123/topics/logs"
  subscription => "projects/proj123/subscriptions/logstash"
 stdout {}
 elasticsearch {
  hosts => [ "localhost:9200" ]
  index => "logs" 

now, the logs index does not exists and does not created on 'Publish message' from gcp.

is there something i'm missing here?

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Thanks, I'll pay more attention to this in my following posts.

Do you have an idea how to help with the problem?

Please edit your post.

sure, there.
Do you have an idea how to help with the problem?

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