Two different aggregate blocks in one logstash filter

Need to aggregate two different sets of Cisco ASA logs. One - for a cert verification, other - for a firewall.

    ### TOKEN PRESENSE CHECK (717022 - cert validated THAN 722051 - IP assigned, # To match task_id was added to 717022 during parsing from certificate and = %{cn}
                   # If IP assigned and cn not exists is_incident => true
    if [ASA_NMBR] in ["717022", "722051"]
              task_id => "%{}"
              code => "
                   map['Count'] ||= 0
                   map['Count'] += 1
                   map['cn']               || map['cn']               = event.get('cn')
                   map['']        || map['']        = event.get('')
                   map['source.ip']        || map['source.ip']        = event.get('source.ip')
                   map['@timestamp']       || map['@timestamp']       = event.get('@timestamp')
                   map['@log_type']        || map['@log_type']        = event.get('@log_type')
                   map['source.address']   || map['source.address']   = event.get('source.address')
                   map['@metadata.target_index'] || map['@metadata.target_index'] = event.get('@metadata.target_index')
                   map['msg']              ||= ''

                   if event.get('ASA_NMBR') == '722051' and map['cn'] != map['']
                           map['is_incident'] = true

                   if ! event.get('msg').nil?
                       map['msg'] = map['msg'] + ' => ' + event.get('message')
              push_map_as_event_on_timeout => true
              timeout => 1500
              inactivity_timeout => 1000

              timeout_code =>
                 event.set('asa-vpn_token-checked', true )
                 event.set('[@metadata][target_index]', 'p-cisco-asa')
    aggregate {
                task_id => "%{@log_source} %{ASA_NMBR} %{event.action} %{protocol} %{interface} %{source.ip} %{source.port} %{destination.ip} %{destination.port} %{}"
                code => "
                       map['hits'] = event.get('hit_count')
                       map['Count'] ||= 0
                       h = event.get('hit_count')
                       if h.nil? || h == 0
                           map['Count'] += 1
                           map['Count'] += h.to_i

                       map['Count'] += 1
                       map['protocol']         || map['protocol']         = event.get('protocol')
                       map['interface']        || map['interface']        = event.get('interface')
                       map['source.port']      || map['source.port']      = event.get('source.port')
                       map['source.address']   || map['source.address']   = event.get('source.address')
                       map['@metadata.target_index'] || map['@metadata.target_index'] = event.get('@metadata.target_index')
                       map['destination.port'] || map['destination.port'] = event.get('destination.port')
                       map['@log_source']      || map['@log_source']      = event.get('@log_source')
                       map['@timestamp']       || map['@timestamp']       = event.get('@timestamp')
                       map['@log_type']        || map['@log_type']        = event.get('@log_type')
                       map['@log_host']        || map['@log_host']        = event.get('@log_host')
                       map['']        || map['']        = event.get('')
                       map['msg_plus']         || map['msg_plus']         = event.get('message')
                       map['ASA_NMBR']         || map['ASA_NMBR']         = event.get('ASA_NMBR')
                       map['event.action']     || map['event.action']     = event.get('event.action')

                       if  event.get('source.ip') != nil
                          if  event.get('source.ip').match(/^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}/)
                              map['source.ip']        = event.get('source.ip')
                              map['source.ip_name'] = event.get('source.ip')
                       if  event.get('destination.ip') != nil
                          if  event.get('destination.ip').match(/^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}/)
                              map['destination.ip']        = event.get('destination.ip')
                              map['destination.ip_name'] = event.get('destination.ip')
                push_map_as_event_on_timeout => true
                timeout => 10

                inactivity_timeout => 5

                   timeout_code =>
                     event.set('[@metadata][target_index]', 'p-cisco-asa')

When restarting logstash sometimes the error appears:

For task_id pattern %{}, inactivity_timeout must be lower than timeout>

Is it possible to use more then one aggregate blocks?
If not how resolve the task?

The main idea to split different messages to one. For example a first message has and cert name, the second - an and an assigned IP. Messages can arrive with time lag.


Yes, it is.

Often, because of the error, logstash don't start the pipeline.
I have to add or remove extra empty lines several times to make it start.
The error was the same every time.

OK, so are definitely some bugs here. If I change the inactivity_timeout in the aggregate with a task_id of "%{@log_source} %{ASA_NMBR} ..." from 5 to 11, sometimes I get the correct error message

Pipeline aborted due to error {:pipeline_id=>"main", :exception=>#<LogStash::ConfigurationError: Aggregate plugin: For task_id pattern %{@log_source} %{ASA_NMBR} %{event.action} %{protocol} %{interface} %{source.ip} %{source.port} %{destination.ip} %{destination.port} %{}, inactivity_timeout must be lower than timeout

However, if I then change it back to 5, sometimes the pipeline restarts cleanly, sometimes I get

Pipeline aborted due to error {:pipeline_id=>"main", :exception=>#<LogStash::ConfigurationError: Aggregate plugin: For task_id pattern %{}, inactivity_timeout must be lower than timeout>, :backtrace=>["/usr/share/logstash/vendor/bundle/jruby/2.5.0/gems/logstash-filter-aggregate-2.9.1/lib/logstash/filters/aggregate.rb:117:in `block in register'",

(i.e. it starts complaining about the filter in which the timeout values were never invalid)

and sometimes I get

Pipeline aborted due to error {:pipeline_id=>"main", :exception=>#<LogStash::ConfigurationError: Aggregate plugin: For task_id pattern '%{}', there are more than one filter which defines timeout options. All timeout options have to be defined in only one aggregate filter per task_id pattern.

Even though there is only aggregate filter with that task_id. So it appears to not be deleting the configuration of the previous pipeline instance when it restarts the pipeline.

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