Two Logstash conf's with Ruby filter are modifying each others output

user_profiles - main object
---educations - array of object (man can have many educational degrees)
---experiences - array of object (many can have many experiences)

These both indexes are getting merged with final objects having fields from both the different confs

If only one of these confs is running only one index with proper documents are getting populated
but if both the confs are active -- both the new indexes "experiences" and "educationals" are getting mangled

Please help I am confused and cant understand what is happening. Both these confs are reacting in some weird manner when both are active else alone they are working fine !!!

Thanks in advance

filter {
ruby {
code => '
edu = event.get("educations")
edu.each do |i|
i["roles"]= event.get("roles")
i["name"]= event.get("name")
i["total_experience"]= event.get("total_experience")
i["education"]= event.get("education")
split {
field => "educations"
mutate {
rename => [
"[educations][_id]", "id",
"[educations][name]", "name",
"[educations][roles]", "roles",
"[educations][institute]", "institute",
"[educations][total_experience]", "total_experience",
"[educations][education]", "education",
"[educations][course]", "course"
remove_field => "educations"
output {
elasticsearch {
hosts => ["http://localhost:9200"]
index => "educations"
document_type => "education"
document_id => "%{id}"


filter {
 ruby {
  code => '
    event.get("experiences").each do |i|
      i["roles"] = event.get("roles")
  split {
    field => "experiences"
  mutate {
    rename => [
      "[experiences][_id]",  "id",
      "[experiences][name]", "name",
      "[experiences][roles]", "roles",
      "[experiences][designation]",  "designation",
      "[experiences][company]",  "company",
      "[experiences][doj]",  "doj",
      "[experiences][dol]",  "dol"
      remove_field => "experiences"

output {
        elasticsearch {
                hosts => ["http://localhost:9200"]
                index => "experiences"
                document_type => "experience"
                document_id => "%{id}"


This is expected. Unless you use the multi-pipeline feature of Logstash 6+, Logstash concatenates all configuration files so all events are processed by all filters and all outputs.

This question gets asked here every week so you may find elaborations in past responses.

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