TypeError: no implicit conversion of nil into String



[2023-03-24T03:23:02,967][WARN ][logstash.inputs.s3snssqs ][main][97e0bbb90d3a28c08cdd88a484e0aa3737932f33f22b59839ba78170f15c7929] Error in poller loop {:error=>#<TypeError: no implicit conversion of nil into String>}

please find the configuration

input {

s3snssqs {

region => "us-west-2"

s3_default_options => { "endpoint_discovery" => true }

queue => "${queue}"

queue_owner_aws_account_id => "${queue_owner_aws_account_id}"

type => "winos"

tags => ["winos"]

sqs_skip_delete => true

codec => json

s3_options_by_bucket => [

{ bucket_name => "${bucket_name}"

credentials => { role => "${role}" }

# folders => [{ key => "*s3://sentinel-lsp-winos/Winos/2023/03/23/21/*" codec => "json_stream" type => "Winoslog"}]

# source_profile => "${source_profile}"




# output {

# microsoft-logstash-output-azure-loganalytics {

# workspace_id => "${workspace_id}"

# workspace_key => "${workspace_key}"

# custom_log_table_name => "logstash_test"

# }

# }

output {

stdout { codec => "plain" }


What Version are you using logstahs 8.1.3
What components are you using using docker file to run in ecs
What commands you are running

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