I am facing an Issue in Creating an Index. Meanwhile i was trying to achieve Incremental Load. here i have attached my config file. Here is my config file and the the issue displaying in cmd log,
in cmd log,
12:37:31.638 [[main]-pipeline-manager] INFO logstash.outputs.elasticsearch - Ne w Elasticsearch output {:class=>"LogStash::Outputs::ElasticSearch", :hosts=>[#<U RI::Generic:0x40a60c4e URL://localhost:9200>]} 12:37:31.641 [[main]-pipeline-manager] INFO logstash.pipeline - Starting pipeli ne {"id"=>"main", "pipeline.workers"=>4, "pipeline.batch.size"=>125, "pipeline.b atch.delay"=>5, "pipeline.max_inflight"=>500} 12:37:31.645 [[main]-pipeline-manager] INFO logstash.pipeline - Pipeline main s tarted 12:37:31.709 [Api Webserver] INFO logstash.agent - Successfully started Logstas h API endpoint {:port=>9600} 12:38:00.308 [Ruby-0-Thread-18: D:/elk/logstash-5.2.1/vendor/bundle/jruby/1.9/ge ms/rufus-scheduler-3.0.9/lib/rufus/scheduler/jobs.rb:283] INFO logstash.inputs. jdbc - (0.022000s) SELECT * FROM (SELECT count(*) "COUNT" FROM (select * from aw spoc.new_segm where tdate > TIMESTAMP '2017-03-08 06:53:00.142000 +00:00') "T1") "T1" WHERE (ROWNUM <= 1) 12:39:00.027 [Ruby-0-Thread-18: D:/elk/logstash-5.2.1/vendor/bundle/jruby/1.9/ge ms/rufus-scheduler-3.0.9/lib/rufus/scheduler/jobs.rb:283] INFO logstash.inputs. jdbc - (0.002000s) SELECT * FROM (SELECT count(*) "COUNT" FROM (select * from aw spoc.new_segm where tdate > TIMESTAMP '2017-03-08 06:53:00.142000 +00:00') "T1") "T1" WHERE (ROWNUM <= 1) 12:40:00.106 [Ruby-0-Thread-18: D:/elk/logstash-5.2.1/vendor/bundle/jruby/1.9/ge ms/rufus-scheduler-3.0.9/lib/rufus/scheduler/jobs.rb:283] INFO logstash.inputs. jdbc - (0.001000s) SELECT * FROM (SELECT count(*) "COUNT" FROM (select * from aw spoc.new_segm where tdate > TIMESTAMP '2017-03-08 06:53:00.142000 +00:00') "T1") "T1" WHERE (ROWNUM <= 1) 12:41:00.197 [Ruby-0-Thread-18: D:/elk/logstash-5.2.1/vendor/bundle/jruby/1.9/ge ms/rufus-scheduler-3.0.9/lib/rufus/scheduler/jobs.rb:283] INFO logstash.inputs. jdbc - (0.001000s) SELECT * FROM (SELECT count(*) "COUNT" FROM (select * from aw spoc.new_segm where tdate > TIMESTAMP '2017-03-08 06:53:00.142000 +00:00') "T1") "T1" WHERE (ROWNUM <= 1) 12:42:00.294 [Ruby-0-Thread-18: D:/elk/logstash-5.2.1/vendor/bundle/jruby/1.9/ge ms/rufus-scheduler-3.0.9/lib/rufus/scheduler/jobs.rb:283] INFO logstash.inputs. jdbc - (0.002000s) SELECT * FROM (SELECT count(*) "COUNT" FROM (select * from aw spoc.new_segm where tdate > TIMESTAMP '2017-03-08 06:53:00.142000 +00:00') "T1") "T1" WHERE (ROWNUM <= 1) 12:43:00.060 [Ruby-0-Thread-18: D:/elk/logstash-5.2.1/vendor/bundle/jruby/1.9/ge ms/rufus-scheduler-3.0.9/lib/rufus/scheduler/jobs.rb:283] INFO logstash.inputs. jdbc - (0.001000s) SELECT * FROM (SELECT count(*) "COUNT" FROM (select * from aw spoc.new_segm where tdate > TIMESTAMP '2017-03-08 06:53:00.142000 +00:00') "T1") "T1" WHERE (ROWNUM <= 1)
This is how it keeps on pinging, I cant even check whether the data has been loaded into logstash or not. If only the Index gets Created, I can able to check the data using Elasticsearch.
Though I have already mentioned it, I couldn't find any solution to fix this. Please suggest me a solution so that I can proceed further.
Thanks in Advance.