Unable to parse TIMESTAMP_ISO8601 timestamp in logstash conf

Hi Team,
I am having parsing the "TIMESTAMP_ISO8601" in logstash grok. The only differnce i see in the log message is extra space after the hours : in timestamp


2021-03-21T13:(\s) 01:54.402+0000

this is occuring only sepcific set of messages..

The TIMESTAMP_ISO8601 pattern does not allow a space there. You will have to use a custom pattern.

I have got my timetamp split into two fields with help of patterns directory.

2021-03-21T07:02:01.107+0000 == {TIMESTAMP_ISO8601: mytimestamp}
date {
match => [ "mytimestamp" , "ISO8601" ]
target => "@timestamp"
2021-03-21T07: 02:01.107+0000 == {CUSTOM_TS: mytimestmap}
date {
match => [ "mytimestamp" , "MMM dd yyyy HH:mm:ss", "MMM d yyyy HH:mm:ss", "ISO8601" ]
target => "@timestamp"
After making the above changes, i am able to get my pipeline working without any errors, but the @timestamp is still reflecting the ingested timeline and not considering "mytimestamp".

Complete .conf file for reference

filter {
  grok {
      patterns_dir => [ "/opt/bea/ELKSTACK/logstash-6.2.4/custompatterns/patterns" ]
 match => { "message" => ["%{APIGE_TIME:mytimestamp}", "%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:mycrcttimestamp}"] }
      overwrite => [ "message" ]
    date {
        match => [ "mycrcttimestamp" , "ISO8601" ]
        target => "@timestamp"
    date {
        match => [ "mytimestamp" , "MMM dd yyyy HH:mm:ss", "MMM  d yyyy HH:mm:ss", "ISO8601" ]
        target => "@timestamp"

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