Unable to parse XML dataset, Failed to install template

Can someone please help me here, I'm getting error as

Failed to install template.{:message=>"Template file ' ' could not be found!"
on running below script.

filter {

  ## interpret the message payload as XML
  xml {
    source => "message"
	store_xml => false
	force_array => false
	## xpath => ["/testsuite/testcase/@name/text()","testCase"]
	xpath => ["/testcase[1]/@name/text()","testCase"]
  mutate {
    ## Convert the numeric fields to the appropriate data type from strings
   convert => {
		"testCase" => "string"

    ## get rid of the extra fields we don't need
    remove_field => [ "message"]

output {
  stdout { codec => rubydebug }
  elasticsearch {
	## Connect to the elasticsearch
    hosts => ["<ip-address:port-number>"]
    ## use a time aware index name
    index => "soapUI"

and dataset as attached


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