Unable to print column names in the csv file using csv filter plugin

  csv {
    columns =>  ["plmn", "state", "leakage_value", "MetricRSRP_values"]
    separator => ","
	autodetect_column_names => true
	autogenerate_column_names => true

I have tried running the above logstash configuration. But it just doesn't print any column headers even after running it with a single logstash worker. Please help.


Off the top of my head, could it be a collision between giving column names in your filter and having autodetect_column_names => true?

If you keep it to false you can give the filter your own column names and use more than 1 worker.

You can check the documentation for the csv filter here: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/logstash/current/plugins-filters-csv.html

Just a thought.

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