Unable to start HeartBeat

I had the same problem. The solution for me was to change the parameter "setup.dashboards.enabled: true" in my configuration back to the default = false or change the line to a comment. Due to the change to Uptime in version 7, there are no longer dashboards provided, which can be loaded. This seems to run the start of heartbeat into an error.

Dear all, may I know how can i Install heartbeat-elastic version 6.7? I have downloaded the package but when I install heartbeat-elastic it will still install version 7.1.1.

All the folders for 7.1.1 already been removed. How come this will happen?

After I have installed the older version of 6.8, the problem above occurred. Please advise.

Thanks all, after I have redownload the correct compatible version and reload the template it works.

Hi all, my uptime is down today, saying that the license trial is over / expired. Does this means my setting up was cloud based?

If you were using licensed features you'll need to either contact us to purchase a license or subscribe to elastic cloud where licenses are included. See https://www.elastic.co/cloud/elasticsearch-service/pricing for more details on cloud pricing.

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