Unable to start logstash getting error

Oh.. it looks pretty similar as of mine. Except version, am using 6.2.2. That should not be any issue.
No idea Darsan.

So sad, How do i run logstash in windows then any help @Suman_Reddy1; @Shiv_Gupta; @elastic; @camarar

@darsan55 and @Shiv_Gupta,

Are you windows administrators in your Windows installation?
Are there permission to execute anything?
Could you send me a print of this folder "C:\Users[YOUR_USER]\AppData\Local\Temp" ? (Organize this folder by date newer first)

Could you create a folder and copy one file on this path "C:\Users[YOUR_USER]\AppData\Local\Temp" ?

When you try to execute logstash, are you open windows prompt using "Run as administrator"?


Yes i am running everything as administrator .
I have attached folder and file wise screen-shot.tmp

@darsan55 and @Shiv_Gupta,

I believe this problem happens because you don't have suficient permission to create directories/files in the path alocated on system variable $HOME. This problem is related with Java.

Try to do theses steps:

  • Create this directory "\ELK\logstash" in this path "C:\Users[USER]\AppData\Local\Temp"

  • Change the point below on the file "jvm.options" on path "\logstash-6.2.2\config"
    # set the I/O temp directory

  • Try to start logstash again.

After these steps tell us if logstash running.


I have tried already but got same result. :frowning:
Don't know whats the problem with logstash, ElasticSearch and Kibana are running fine.
Anyway i have attached my error screen-shot please have a look.

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