Unassigned replication shards on elasticSearch 5.2[is it a bug?]

I see this in the logs just before some other messages about disconnections:

[2019-03-21T08:00:55,999][WARN ][o.e.t.n.Netty4Transport  ] [node1-] exception caught on transport layer [[id: 0x18f1e218, L:/ - R:]], closing connec
java.lang.ClassCastException: null

I don't think this should be happening. However I've searched for an issue like this and cannot find anything that matches. The lack of a proper error message and stack trace is an obstacle, and is caused by running with the JVM option OmitStackTraceInFastThrow which was the default prior to 6.0. Could you add


to the config/jvm.options file on every node and perform a rolling restart? Unfortunately this will allocate primaries etc elsewhere so the problem might go away, but hopefully it won't and then we can see more context about that exception.

Thanks for your patient.Yes the primary also tried other replication node,It always failed.so you can see the other failed log of other ip.

And thanks for you advice for the jvm option,but I can not rolling restart in a few days,because the application is providing service for the public.I will add it in next maintenance time. then I will reply this topic.

Thank you very much.

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