Hi guys!
I'm starting to test with FileBeats and I can't generate documents in ElasticSearch that suit what I want.
This is my scenario.
I want to send some audit information to ElasticSearch from my Java application.
To do this, I am using the encoder net.logstash.logback.encoder.LogstashEncoder to format the messages to json.
Additionally, I modify the default FileBeats template (fields.yml) for one that has the fields of my interest.
I understand that the template was successfully uploaded to ES
The problem is that instead of generating the document as I expect:
"@timestamp": "2020-09-24T09: 16: 50.957-03: 00",
"messageType": "rq",
"operation": "search",
"operationDt": "2020-09-24 09:16:50",
"rawMessage": "xmlxml",
"supplierId": "BAP"
FileBeats generates the document like this:
"_index": "filebeat-7.6.2-2020.09.24-000001",
"_type": "_doc",
"_id": "OrRKwHQBxk1i8MjjUNrR",
"_Version 1,
"_score": 0,
"_source": {
"@timestamp": "2020-09-24T13: 25: 27.801Z",
"host": {
"containerized": false,
"name": "nemo-development-1",
"hostname": "nemo-development-1",
"architecture": "x86_64",
"os": {
"kernel": "4.18.0-25-generic",
"codename": "cosmic",
"platform": "ubuntu",
"version": "18.10 (Cosmic Cuttlefish)",
"family": "debian",
"name": "Ubuntu"
"id": "4590f65319a441daa3312002a2028743"
"agent": {
"type": "filebeat",
"ephemeral_id": "303ee170-25ac-4008-87bb-3e8675d61232",
"hostname": "nemo-development-1",
"id": "43e47003-bb81-4651-81d6-2b8cb6c1dce6",
"version": "7.6.2"
"container": {
"id": "2020-09"
"log": {
"file": {
"path": "/home/pricesurferlogs/DEV/suppliers/2020-09/24/files/xmlfiles.log"
"offset": 0
"message": "{\" @ timestamp \ ": \" 2020-09-24T09: 16: 50.957-03: 00 \ ", \" @ version \ ": \" 1 \ ", \" logger_name \ ": \ "net.nemogroup.audit.logging.AuditLogger \", \ "thread_name \": \ "main \", \ "level \": \ "TRACE \", \ "level_value \": 5000, \ "LOGS_SUPPLIER \ ": \" / home / pricesurferlogs / DEV / supplier \ ", \" LOGS_HOME \ ": \" / home / pricesurferlogs / DEV \ ", \" messageType \ ": \" rq \ ", \" operation \ ": \ "search \", \ "operationDt \": \ "2020-09-24 09:16:50 \", \ "rawMessage \": \ "xmlxml \", \ "supplierId \": \ "BAP \" } ",
"input": {
"type": "log"
"ecs": {
"version": "1.4.0"
That is, it puts the entire line in the message field.
Do you have any idea what I may be doing wrong?
Thanks in advance,