Unix socket input with stdout


I am new to Logstash, but I would like to use its capability of unix socket input, which comes very handy.

I have a program sending data to unix socket, i have that socket tested and i am 100% sure, that data are being sent there. I would like to retrieve these sockets with Logstash and for now just output them on stdout.

I have installed Logstash 6.3.2 from repository, running as service. My logstash.conf file in /etc/logstash/conf.d looks like this:

input {
  unix {
    id => "snort_socket"
    mode => "server"
    path => "/var/log/snort/snort_alert"
  syslog {
    debug => true

output {
    codec => rubydebug

However I see no output. On the internet, I found that I will be able to see stdout with
journalctl -u logstash
but no luck so far.

Any help is appreciated.

I found some of my errors in logstash.conf, and corrected them. Now it looks like this:

input {
  unix {
    id => "snort_socket"
    mode => "client"
    path => "/var/log/snort/snort_alert"

output {
    codec => rubydebug

Unfortunately, I am getting these warning messages, even if socket is there, and i can output it with perl script.
[2018-08-08T16:03:49,466][WARN ][logstash.inputs.unix ] Socket not present, wait for seconds for socket to appear {:client=>"/var/log/snort/snort_alert"}

File.socket?("/var/log/snort/snort_alert") is returning false. What does "ls -l /var/log/snort/snort_alert" say?

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I have altered the file after some tries to

input {
  stdin { }
  unix {
    id => "snort_socket"
    mode => "server"
    path => "/var/log/snort/snort_alert"

filter {
    mutate {
        convert => {
            "pkt_num" => "integer"
            "pkt_len" => "integer"
            "src_port" => "integer"
            "dst_port" => "integer"
            "priority" => "integer"
        gsub => ["timestamp", "\d{3}$", ""]
    date {
        match => [ "timestamp", "yy/MM/dd-HH:mm:ss.SSS" ]
    geoip { source => "src_addr" }

output {
    elasticsearch {
        hosts => ""
        index => "logstash_snort"
    stdout { }

and made it work. It can receive unix socket calls on the specified address, and passes them to Elastic search. Problems on Logstash side is solved out for now, now I have to take a look at Snort.

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