Upgrading Logstash from 7.1.1 to 7.2.0 breaks my parsing configuration

I have an appliance that sends JSON formatted logs over a TCP port. The "input" section in my Logstash pipeline configuration file looks like:

input {
	tcp {
		host => ""
		port => 5501
		codec => json
		id => "my_appliance"

This has worked correctly, providing field mappings for my "filter" section, since Logstash v 6.1. Now, after I upgrade from 7.1.1 to 7.2.0, the JSON parsing has gone haywire. Sometimes I get one field mapped to a value (instead of the usual multiple fields) in a single event. Most of the time I get large blocks of the JSON stream mapped to "message" with an associated "_jsonparsefailure" tag.

I downgraded my distribution back to 7.1.1 and everything works fine again.

I'm looking for a path forward. To debug, I'm trying to dump the TCP JSON stream to a file so I can run it through my standalone Logstash v7.2.0 offline using the following filter:

input {
	tcp {
		host => ""
		port => 5501
		codec => plain
		id => "my_appliance"

filter {

output {
       file {
       	    path => "/var/tmp/myappliance_dbg.log"
            codec => plain 

I briefly switch to this configuration to produce data for debugging and then restart with my original. This produces a non-delimited text file with JSON events that look reasonable:

2019-07-05T22:39:02.090Z  {"event":"run","_system_name":"localhost","_write_ts":"2019-07-05T22:37:57.519314Z","uid":"CN9472U34"}

Now I want to read the saved JSON data stream using my original configuration, replacing the TCP input shown above with a file input:

input {
	file {
		path => "/var/tmp/myappliance_dbg.log"
		start_position => beginning
		sincedb_path => "/dev/null"

I get no output from this configuration whatsoever. The Logstash messages show the pipeline running normally. Just no output.

Can I get any help, either on the problem upgrading from 7.1.1 to 7.2.0 or on my debugging procedure?

The plain codec on the file output does not add a line terminator, and the file input will not flush an event until it sees a line terminator. Try

codec => plain { format => "%{@timestamp} %{host} %{message}
" }

And yes, that is a literal newline embedded in the value of the format option.

Thank you Badger,

I was able to get output from the file plugin working using:

codec => plain { format => "%{message}
" }

This appliance sends data as a JSON stream, which I determined by capturing network traffic. I'm not sure what is adding the timestamp and host at the beginning of the message when using the simple plain codec.

Regardless, I was able to produce the line terminated file with JSON records from my appliance. Next, I tested the Logstash 7.2.0 JSON codec on this file input using:

input {
	file {
		path => "/var/tmp/myappliance_dbg.log"
		start_position => beginning
		sincedb_path => "/dev/null"
                codec => json

filter {

output {
       file {
       	        path => "/var/tmp/myappliance_parsed.log"
   		codec => "rubydebug"

The JSON parsing works perfectly using the file input plugin and the json codec. With the tcp plugin, the JSON codec parsing is seriously broken.

If you do not tell the codec what format to use it uses the to_s method of the event, which adds the @timestamp and host fields.

Thanks for the explanation.

The JSON parsing of my TCP stream input remains broken after a 7.2 upgrade unfortunately. I can run 7.1 for some time, but it isn't ideal.

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