Url for 2.3.2 logstash codec for spool goes to 404

Does anyone know the git repo for spool ? On the logstash 2.3.2 reference page it links to https://github.com/logstash-plugins/logstash-codec-spool. However, when I click on the link, I get the 404 page and when I back up a directory to plugins it is not listed there either.

The server I'm on has SSL locked outbound so I can't install it from command line. I'm trying to use the cloudtrails codec and install it locally but the logstash-codec-spool is a run-time dependency and I'm stuck...

I'm only using the cloudtrails codec because I need to have it parse the arrays that come back from S3 filter...

Any help would be appreciated...

Thanks for raising this, I've created a GH issue to find out what happened :slight_smile: