Use preliminary 6.4.0 Filebeat

Hello team! Recently I've been testing our Kibana plugin in order to adapt it to future 6.4.0 version.

Currently I'm using Kibana dev from 6.4 branch, and launching an ES instance with ES snapshot command from Kibana's package.json scripts, also I'm using Logstash 6.3.2, all it's okay but my question is:

How to launch a Filebeat instance or compile it from sources to test 6.4.0 ?


I think its easier to use our snapshots

Yep, I've already doing it with Elasticsearch, but how to use Filebeat snapshots?

@jesusgn90 I am not sure I understand, you can download the binaries that I have linked above and use a custom configuration for filebeat and with some fixture with your log data?

Yeah @pierhugues hahaha I was confused, it's okay and thanks so much for your support!

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