V6.0.0-beta2 http module mapping trouble

I'm trying to collect metrics from Dorpwizard metrics.
Those are exposed by the REST API as Json.

I tryed dropwizard module for metrics but it seams not to fetch any datas.
Then switched to http module for metrics but not event is indexed due to mapping error

2017-09-07T11:33:09+02:00 WARN Can not index event (status=400): {"type":"illegal_argument_exception","reason":"mapper [http.metrics_http_me.classes] of different type, current_type [long], merged_type [ObjectMapper]"}

The index was dropped and service restarted without any improvement.

Can someone help to fix this, please.

Metricbeat version is 6.0.0-beta2 installed using rpm package on centos 6 VM.
config files are

# Ansible managed

  path: /appli/conf/beats/metric*.yml
  reload.enabled: true
  reload.period: 30s

env: none
fields_under_root: false
name: localhost

processors: null

- localhost:9200

    keepfiles: 7
    name: metricbeat.log
    path: /var/log/metricbeat
    rotateeverybytes: 10485760
  level: info
  to_files: true


- module: http
  metricsets: ['json']
  hosts: ['localhost:8086/ep-manage/metrics']
  period: 10s
  username: 'admin'
  password: 'password'
  namespace: 'metrics_http_me'

Hi @Sylvain_Mougenot,

I think that your endpoint is returning different values for classes field, and switching between a number (long) and a map (object). That is probably causing issues with automatic mapping, does this make sense?

On the other hand, did you try to debug your dropwizard issue?

About dropwizard, even in debug, I've not logs for this module.

You are right, the endpoint (standard spring-boot actuator) seems to expose jmx metrics that have a confusing naming convention

  "classes": 15946,
  "classes.loaded": 16303,
  "classes.unloaded": 357,
  "heap": 254976,
  "heap.committed": 238080,
  "heap.init": 131072,
  "heap.used": 142330,
  "mem": 395507,
  "mem.free": 95749,
  "nonheap": 1556480,
  "nonheap.committed": 161792,
  "nonheap.init": 2496,
  "nonheap.used": 157427,
  "threads": 67,
  "threads.daemon": 46,
  "threads.peak": 70,
  "threads.totalStarted": 8182,

Is there a way to filter those in metrics settings?
I might be able to remove them from the spring-boot endpoint but it means to modify applications (I'd rather change one settings instead of redeploying all apps)

I think drop_fields processor should work for you, just add it with fields: ["classes"].

In any case it would be nice to debug your JMX issues if you are willing to, feel free to open a new thread for that.

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