Warning 'Relying on default value of `pipeline.ecs_compatibility' after updating to logstash 7.16.1

@yaauie For my setup, Logstash is version 7.16.1 and the Beats and TCP input plugin version are 6.2.3. Following is the latest logstash.conf which still generates the excessive deprecation warning logs. I am assuming, by setting the compatibility at the plugin level, this should override the settings in pipelines.yml or logstash.yml, is that right?

input {
  beats {
    port => 5044
	ecs_compatibility => disabled
        ssl => true
	ssl_certificate_authorities => ["/<root CA cert location>/logstashRootCA.cert.pem"]
	ssl_certificate => "/<cert location>/tls.crt"
	ssl_key => "/<cert location>/logstashServer-pkcs8.key"
	ssl_verify_mode => "full"
	tls_min_version => 1.2
    tags => ["beats"]
  tcp {
    port => 5054
	ecs_compatibility => disabled
    codec => json {
      ecs_compatibility => disabled
	ssl_enable => true
	ssl_certificate_authorities => ["/<root CA cert location>/logstashRootCA.cert.pem"]
	ssl_cert => "/<cert location>/tls.crt"
	ssl_key => "/<cert location>/tls.key"
	ssl_verify => false
    tags => ["tcp"]
filter {
output {
  if "beats" in [tags] {
    azure_loganalytics {
      customer_id => "${LOG_ANALYTICS_CUST_ID}"
      shared_key => "${LOG_ANALYTICS_KEY}"
      log_type => "uatonpremapplog"
      ecs_compatibility => disabled
  } else if "tcp" in [tags] {
    azure_loganalytics {
      customer_id => "${LOG_ANALYTICS_CUST_ID}"
      shared_key => "${LOG_ANALYTICS_KEY}"
      log_type => "uatapilog"
      ecs_compatibility => disabled